The Spiritual Meaning Of Imbolc: New Possibilities & Time For Change
Imbolc offers us supportive energy for cleansing our spirit. It invites us to clear out any stale, stagnant energy and clutter, in order to prepare for exciting new growth to come.

Imbolc is an ancient Celtic holiday, that celebrates the very first stirrings of new life and the beginnings of spring, rising within our spirit.
Traditionally, celebrated on February 1st and continuing through to February 2nd.
Spiritually, this is a time of new life coming into manifestation.
We may only notice the tiniest hints of life above the surface, but a lot is beginning to stir and awaken within all of us.
Just as nature is beginning to awaken from its winter slumber, we too are awakening, with new dreams, exciting plans and possibilities.
This is the time of year when our spirits are wanting to stretch & shake off the heaviness of winter. With this awakening, comes a much needed urge for clearing and cleansing.
Imbolc offers us supportive energy for cleansing our spirit. It invites us to clear out any stale, stagnant energy and clutter, in order to prepare for exciting new growth to come.
The last few months have encouraged us to turn inward and identifying the things within us that we’re ready to let go of; those dead leaves that we’re finally ready to clear away.
The time has come, to really let those things go, once and for all.
Imbolc is a time of real transition & change.
This is a time of leaving what is safe & comfortable, in order to grow more fully into our true self, and greater potential.
Although this can be an exciting time, the reality is, change is hard!
We are all creatures of habit. Our subconscious likes things that are familiar and comfortable, in order to keep us safe.
However, feeling safe and comfortable isn’t always what actually makes us happy.
We feel at our best when we are fully able to grow, change and evolve.
Happiness comes from feeling that we are able to move forward and progress in some area of our life, or within our unlimited potential.
You’ve been dreaming up new visions, plans & ideas for your life and the new year ahead.
These dreams have lit the fires of creativity & inspiration within you.
This fire will give you the strength to walk through the challenges that come with change.
This is the time to bring the possibilities you’ve been dreaming about, out into the world. The beautiful energy of this change in season, is ready to support you in that powerful work.
When we are able to embrace this time of change, our spirit grows and evolves with greater power and momentum. The winds of change are driving us forward, filling our sails with courage, giving us the strength we need on our journey of self discovery.
If you are ready to embrace this time of renewal and change, here is a gentle guided meditation & spiritual ceremony to mark this sacred time, and tap into its transformational power.
Emerging From Hibernation | Starting A New Chapter

Below are a few journal prompts to reflect on and discover what is stirring within you, during this time of change:
1. While you have withdrawn within over the winter, what has been growing & stirring within you?
2. What hints of new life are beginning to appear from those winter dreams?
- What invitations of new beginnings, are calling to you right now?
- What would you love to nurture and discover what it could become?
- What changes or transitions are you experiencing that make you feel out of balance or uncomfortable?
- What do you feel ready to explore, that makes you feel open, empowered and balanced?
May this new year take you to exciting and powerful places!
Wishing you much love and support on your journey.