Between Two Worlds: Change Is Just Around The Corner
Ready for a new chapter, yet stuck under the shadow of the past... If you feel like something is missing… If you need to find a solution… Take some time to restore your spirit and everything you need, will fall into place.

Are you stuck between two worlds?
Do you feel ready to burst into a bold new chapter, yet still feel stuck under the shadow of the past?
Have you had countless days, where you’ve pushed and pushed?
Telling yourself, if you just push a little more and work harder, that one day, you will break free.
Yet with each push, you can feel your energy draining…
Still feeling stuck in a situation where nothing seems to happen.
It can sometimes feel like your bright future is locked behind a door that you can’t find the key to.
If you feel like something is missing…
If you need a way to keep going…
If you need to find a solution…
It’s time to take a rest.
Rest brings clarity.
Clarity brings creativity.
Creativity brings solutions.
This is the part that’s been missing.
This is the balance you need.
You don’t need to push harder.
You don’t need to think smarter.
You don’t need to “do more”.
You don’t need to increase your efforts.
You're already doing more than enough.
You just need time to rest.
You know deep down, that you are on the right path.
Don’t worry about the work still left to do…
Or the work that you’ve already done…
Nothing will fall apart if you take the time to rest.
Everything will still be there, when you’re ready to return.
Take some time to restore your spirit and everything you need, will fall into place.
Connect to the magic of life…
Play the music you love.
Take a walk outside.
Take deep, life restoring breaths.
Claim those moments to live again.
You will move forward… so don’t worry.
Take some time to regain your strength.
Restore the stamina you need to outlast this chapter.
Be ready to enjoy the breakthroughs, that are just around the corner...