Becoming Comfortable With Vulnerability
Vulnerability, is a courageous act of authenticity.

It Takes A Strong Heart To Be Vulnerable.
Vulnerability can often be dismissed as weakness.
Considered by many as naive and childish. Often seen as lacking the courage it takes to handle the unforgiving challenges one experiences in life.
However, this perspective could not be farther from the truth.
It takes a courageous heart to be vulnerable.
After all, the word “Courage” itself, comes from the French word “Coeur”, meaning heart.
Vulnerability, is a courageous act of authenticity.
The courage it takes to be vulnerable, is the true power of the heart. Like opening a window to the soul, and letting its light shine through.
Being Vulnerable Isn’t About Discomfort.
Vulnerability is about coming face-to-face with your emotions, listening to the words that your heart quietly whispers, and allowing yourself to acknowledge how you truly feel.
If we are to be honest with ourselves, deep down, we all want to be seen. We all want to be heard, and most importantly, understood.
We all have a core need to be witnessed for who we truly are. The most authentic and genuine core of our being.
Vulnerability is not about fragility. It is pure authenticity. It is the heart’s ability to open up, follow its true nature and truly shine.
As you learn to connect to that safe and quiet space within yourself, and listen to what your heart has to tell you, you will learn how to gently hold your truth, like precious gems that require no validation from the world.
Vulnerability Creates A Powerful Presence Within You.
When you embrace your ability to be vulnerable, a sense of effortless authenticity begins to resonate in everything that you do.
It can be felt in your presence, and noticed in the cadence of your everyday life, without ever needing to explain yourself.
This humble yet powerful presence is easily noticed by the innocent souls within animals and children, as this is the energy that they naturally embody too.
When children and animals are naturally drawn to someone, or reassured by their presence…
Know that they are sensing the energy of a powerfully vulnerable heart.
The strength of a beautifully vulnerable heart, creates a powerful presence within you.
This self-embrace is the gentle invitation you extend to the world...
A call to meet you at the horizon of honesty...
A mutual exchange of vulnerability and respect.
The Power Of Integrity.
Our ability to experience healthy and meaningful connections, depends on our courage to embrace vulnerability.
However, there will be times when sharing your vulnerability will not feel safe or appropriate. Our ability to discern these situations and maintain healthy boundaries is essential for the preservation of our integrity and self respect.
So what can we do when it doesn’t feel safe to be vulnerable?
I love how the artist Grimes, perfectly sums up an expression of healthy self preservation, in her song “My Name is Dark”:
“I’m not shy but I refuse to speak, because I don’t trust you to understand me.”
~ Grimes
Knowing when it is not appropriate to share your inner world, is a display of integrity.
Only those who show empathy and respect, are truly able to appreciate the beauty found in vulnerability.
It’s important to remember that there is nothing wrong with keeping your inner world private. Exercising your right to create boundaries is a healthy display of self preservation. Maintaining access to the beauty of your inner world, only for those who are able to respect and appreciate it.
A Safe Way To Honour Yourself.
Unfortunately, many of us haven’t had enough experience to easily identify when, or if, it’s safe enough to trust someone with our inner world.
How can we know what respect actually looks like? Or know what it feels like to be truly witnessed without judgement?
- Start with yourself. Become your own training ground.
- Allow your heart to open up and share authentically with yourself, feeling the safety of your personal sanctuary within.
- Practice listening to your heart without judgment, letting your thoughts and feeling feelings flow freely.
- Share your thoughts and feelings honestly in a journal, or quiet contemplation, honouring whatever is ready to be expressed as something precious and sacred.
A quote that has often reminded me of the power found in self expression and journalling, comes from the diary of Anne Frank:
“Paper has more patience than people."
~ Anne Frank
So take a moment to connect with yourself, and express how you’re feeling…
Allow your heart to hold space for you.
Turning your attention inward…
Connect with that soft and gentle space within you…
Meeting your heart there…
Feeling the safety of this space.
A space for you to share your deepest feelings, without the fear of judgement.
Feel the power of your heart has…
Allowing you the space to be truly witnessed,
With infinite time and patience…
Offering you the safety to express yourself, and fully speak your truth.
Let your heart know... you're ready for any offerings of wisdom it may have for you at this time…
Allowing the reply to slowly take form… and gently rise to the surface.
Feeling the power your heart has to hold space for you.
Noticing how comforting and reassuring it feels… just to connect with your heart’s presence.
Awakening to the power of vulnerability within you.
Deeper Connection With Yourself ~ Deeper Connection With Life.
Once we are able to connect deeply with ourselves, and witness the beauty that unfolds within our own vulnerability, we realise that there is nothing to fear.
Vulnerability is just the ability to be true to ourselves.
When we are true to ourselves, we have the ability to connect powerfully and authentically with others. Creating the space for others feel safe our presence.
The energy field of an open and honest heart attracts more positive energy towards itself.
This invites more heart warming, gentle and positive experiences to flow effortlessly towards you and into your life.
Your ability to embody vulnerability, gentleness, openness and honesty, is where your greatest power of attraction and manifestation lives.
No one can ever diminish the sanctuary you have within yourself.
When you hold this powerful space within yourself, take comfort knowing this wellspring of truth remains ever present within you. A constant place of safety and refuge you can always return to.
When you know what this feels like within you, then you will be able to recognise its presence within others.
Your feelings around others will inform you, as you learn to trust your intuition, and let it guide you.
Choosing when to share your vulnerability, is a testament to your integrity and understanding of what vulnerability truly is.
The Power Of A Vulnerable Heart.
When you become comfortable with vulnerability, the world better be ready for you!
When we learn to express ourselves authentically from the heart, our words and actions speak to the authentic soul in others.
When connected to the courage of our vulnerable heart, we discover a power that can change the world…
There is nothing more powerful, than a soul who is unafraid to be seen.