A Lesson From A Fox I Will Never Forget: A Story Of Spiritual Awakening
A story about a fox and the powerful lesson they taught me, about our soul’s journey here on earth and the purpose of our spiritual awakening.
I’d like to share a story about a fox and the powerful lesson they taught me, about our soul’s journey here on earth and the purpose of our spiritual awakening.
Before we begin I want to give a quick trigger warning. Although this is a healing and uplifting story, I do mention animal cruelty, so please make your own decision about if this story is right for you at this time.
My story begins with watching a documentary about animal rights, called “Earthlings”.
It documented many heartbreaking moments, including those from the fur trade.
I was honestly quite traumatised by what I saw. Real life accounts of what happens everyday, out of sight from the public eye.
There was one scene that stayed with me. What I saw created a deep pain in my heart that needed resolved, somehow…
It was a fox.
It had been one of the many countless victims of the fur trade...
Seeing the pain that this beautiful creature must have gone through, was more than I could bear.
I felt a calling to honour this beautiful soul in some way…
I needed some way to let their spirit know, they did not deserve the cruelty that had been inflicted upon them.
I wanted to offer healing and some form of karmic resolution, is that was even possible...

So I decided to meditate, and connect with their spirit...
I imaged this poor fox, that had stayed in my mind for several days.
I could see that it couldn’t comprehend the trauma and pain, it had been through.
My heart offered words of comfort to the fox's spirit,
"It's all over now...
You don’t need to experience this pain any longer...
You can let go now…
It’s time to move on".
As silent tears flowed down my face, I saw this beautiful creature close its eyes, passing away peacefully, letting go of its earthly form and moving on, to the realm of spirit.
In my mind's eye, I imagined laying the fox to rest.
Placing their beautiful fur back over their body, then carefully selecting beautiful and delicate wild flowers, to place upon them, as an offering.
I silently told the fox how sorry I was for what had happened. Taking a moment to honour the beauty and strength of its soul.
To my surprise, I saw the wild flowers magically bloom all around its body. Fully covered in a blanket of flowers, as Mother Earth took the fox back into her embrace.

I felt a huge sense of relief.
Like a huge weight had been lifted from me.
But something wasn’t quite done…
I felt there was more to witness before I returned from my vision…
I realised that I had witnessed the ending of the pain, and the fox’s return to its spiritual form…
But where was its spirit now?
Was it alright?
I felt an overwhelming curiosity to find out what had happened to the fox’s spirit...
So I asked my soul, "Where is the fox now?"
I heard my heart whisper to me….
"Look over there..."
I felt a pull in the direction my heart was guiding me to look...
What I then witnessed, blew me away…
I saw the fox’s spirit.
Radiating, with bright pink light.
Sitting peacefully at the side of a man, as his animal spirit guide...
However, this wasn’t just any man…
It was the man who had ended the fox’s life!
Yet there was the fox…
Sitting by his side, as his spirit guide!
Waiting for him to return, to his soul's true path…
Guiding him back, to love.

Tears poured down my face as I witnessed this powerful scene.
It’s a lesson I will never forget.
This humble fox taught me the purpose of our soul’s journey here on earth.
We are here, to remember who we are...
Spiritual beings made of pure love.
Here to help each other wake up, and walk each other home.

Thank you for joining me.
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